
Remember the Ladies

a publication focused on U.S. women’s history

Remember the Ladies Weekly Newsletter

A free weekly curated newsletter that links to news particulary relevant to women.


Remember the Ladies Daily Almanac

A daily almanac of significant milestones in U.S. women’s history integrated into an overall look at key moments in the American experience.


Remember the Ladies Book Forum

A monthly edition that provides news related to recent, current, & upcoming women’s history, biographies, memoirs, and historical fiction titles.

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Make a difference.

Take a stand. VOTE.

It all begins with you. Maybe you want to change the direction of the country. Maybe you want to bring attention to a certain issue or support a specific candidate. Or maybe you want to have a say in how your local community is governed. Whatever it is, your voice matters and your vote is the way to make that happen. You might not always win, but you can’t make a difference if you don’t try. Your vote matters.

Learn more about how18-20-year-olds won the right to vote and celebrate your role in it in this nonpartisan look at the history and significance of the 26th Amendment.

#1 New Release-Amazon YA 20th Cent. U.S. History (Sept. 2020)